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Staying Healthy During the Holidays

With the holiday season in full swing, staying healthy may not be a top concern for some. But for those who are trying to conceive or who are already pregnant, it’s especially important to pay attention to your health. The fertility doctors at SIRM St. Louis share tips on how to stay healthy this holiday season.

  1. Get your flu shot, and wash hands often. Tis the season to spread germs! With family get togethers and holiday parties every weekend, you are likely to come in contact with a lot of people. If you haven’t already made that appointment, schedule your flu shot ASAP. Even pregnant women can safely get vaccinated, and it is strongly encouraged. Also remember to wash your hands before eating to minimize your chances of catching anything.

  2. Stay active. We know there is so much to do this season, cooking and shopping galore…who has time to exercise? Even if you choose the stairs instead of the elevator, or take a brisk walk around the mall, every little bit helps. Being active can also decrease any holiday, pregnancy, or fertility stress you may be dealing with, so try to carve out at least 20 or 30 minutes five per week for yoga or your favorite exercise routine.

  3. Portion control. Those buffet lines can be very tempting, but try to fill your plate wisely. Grab a small amount of starchy carbs, and fill the rest of your plate with lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and veggies.

  4. Skip the sugar. Minimize the amount of drinks and desserts in your diet. Stay hydrated with lots of water, which can help keep you full without eating more, as well as curb your need for a mocktail or soda. Sugary drinks and desserts will spike your blood sugar, so try to eat carbs with protein for a better balance, think ice cream with nuts.

  5. Choose safe foods. Buffet lines and pot lucks can sometimes lead to food borne illness, so choose foods that have been cooked thoroughly and are being served at the right temperature. Pasta salad that is no longer cold should be a no-no, whether pregnant or not. Other foods to avoid if pregnant include undercooked or raw foods, unpasteurized dairy, and alcohol.

  6. Catch some shut-eye. Whether you are travelling or staying busy at home, it’s important to stay on a regular sleep schedule. It can sometimes be difficult if you are pregnant or stressed, but getting at least seven hours of sleep is imperative to your well-being.

  7. Take a break when needed. The holidays can be overwhelming. You don’t need to attend every event you are invited to. Take some time to relax with your partner and enjoy the quiet time you have before your next fertility treatment, or before baby arrives!


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