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Fertility Minute: What is an HSG?

What is an HSG?

A Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a procedure done to evaluate the Fallopian tubes. The Fallopian tubes are extremely important in conceiving naturally as they are where sperm and egg meet to create an embryo or “cellular baby”.

The HSG procedure consists of placing a speculum in the vagina and inserting a small catheter into the uterus. Dye is then pushed through the catheter filling the inside of the uterus and flowing out the Fallopian tubes. An X ray is taken while pushing the dye to get an image of the dye filling and spilling out of the tubes. This is how physicians verify “tubal patency” or that the Fallopian tubes are open and able to pick up the oocyte (egg) and transport the sperm so that the two can meet.

An HSG is typically done during the general #infertility workup to ensure that the Fallopian tubes aren’t blocked. If blocked, sometimes the HSG can be therapeutic and essentially push the blockage out of the Fallopian tubes. If still blocked, physicians will discuss possible treatments (including #IVF) to build your family.

Sidenote – this procedure can be uncomfortable! Make sure to talk to your physician about pre-medicating prior to having your HSG done.

If you have been #TTC and have never had an HSG, talk to your physician about evaluating your Fallopian tubes as tubal factor infertility contributes to infertility up to 30% of the time.

Remember my motto, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Now that you know, you can take action.


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